The Haves and Havenots

Believing in big dreams can feel hard, I know. My suggestion: find the smallest indicator that you’re headed in the right direction and celebrate! Hope is the biggest uplifter of all.

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2 min read

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.

Believing can be hard. Hard as hell. As I write this I am aware that life and death lies in the tongue, and I am actively choosing to believe that believing is easy. 

But there are times when it feels impossible. 

I wanted to speak to the vibration of choosing over and over to believe, yet feeing like you don’t see your desires coming true. 

I’ve been stuck there for months, driving myself crazy. 

If you’ve watched my highlights on Instagram, you know that I want Amour Abroad to become a global publication. Our own buildings, magazines, fashion shows, art exhibits, charities and more. I want to be like Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada (but nice).

There’s a map in my head of how to get there, with all of the unexpected, intertwining pieces I could think up. 

But up until a week and a half ago, Step 1 (build an audience) felt like climbing up a smooth, straight wall.  

I did what I learned in business school, leaned on the social media marketing girls on Instagram, but at the end of the day I was gaining and losing the same 3 followers each week. 

Madness I tell you. 

So I cried and prayed and cried some more, and asked God why He wouldn’t offer me some online dignity. Just a little thousand so that I could feel like I was actually making headway. 

But He said to me that I had what I needed. 

So I looked around. 

I get a few thousand monthly views on Pinterest, that’s really nice to watch grow. And our TikTok has an active audience of 40, which I learned is better than an inactive audience of 40K. 

I thought to myself, ‘Maybe I could start seeing what I have as the fulfillment of what I asked for, and trust that it will grow into more.’ After all, people pray for trees and get seeds. I prayed for financial freedom and was gifted a business. 

So… the conclusion I’ve come to is that, if you’ve been praying for the same thing for a long time, assume that you have it, ASK the Universe to point you in its direction, and ask it to teach you how to care for it. 

Your grounded belief will grow over time.

And even if it seems small or inadequate, it will give you AT LEAST a way to access the vibration you’re looking for. A gift from above that helps you feel up when you’re down and transform your ill feelings into creations. 

When you get back into alignment, the problems you encountered will solve themselves; meanwhile you make headway in your heavenly endeavor. 

Find your seed!

Love her for all her tiny little bits. 

And believe that she’ll grow into something you’ll be proud of.

I love you! 🤍

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