title card for the blog post How my Divine Feminine Journey became a Spiritual Awakening on Amour Abroad

How My Feminine Journey suddenly became a Spiritual Awakening

Just before I left for Spain I got familiar with the divine feminine journey and how to embrace my inner woman. Little did I know it would become a spiritual awakening.

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The Divine Feminine – if you know, you know. Whether you’re on spiritual-Tok or in your soft girl era, you’ve seen how the power of emotions, intuition and quiet strength can lift up the world. And today, it’s spreading through the miracle of social media like wildfire.

Many people are attracted to this energy because of the benefits it offers. The feminine is the energy of flow and miracles, beauty and rest, creation and inner discovery. However, my introduction was an accidental discovery via European fashion trends, and what I thought would be a simple glow up became a whirlwind introduction to my higher self. 

a shadowy woman depicting the hidden energy of the divine feminine journey on Amour Abroad

Since then, I’ve learned that new energy shows up like a cone. The point of entry is small and unassuming, but keep going and you’ll find yourself in an unfamiliar universe. If you’re ready to dive into the Divine Feminine, consider this your tiny door!

It Started with a Dress

There I was, standing in front of a store mirror on the Magnificent Mile in Chicago. It was the summer of 2021 and I was 3 months into my quest to revamp my wardrobe. It was the first time I’d gone into a shopping season with specific clothes in mind. No confusion present! Truly a new experience because for most of my life I would just walk in and hope for the best. Pinterest had worked her magic on me and I knew exactly what I wanted – pleated wide leg slacks and cute flowing tops, flattering loose dresses that were snug at the waist, and waking shoes that could go from day to night. The perfect business school wardrobe inspired by Spanish fall fashion.

I found a pair of pleated shorts that day, but nothing else matched the style I was looking for. That, plus the awful feeling of seeing my regular clothes after trying on new outfits bummed me out, so I was ready to go home.

Things got started when I gave Forever 21 a shot and found an adorable pink dress. It wasn’t what I was looking for, but when I saw myself in the mirror I had to buy it. For context, I joined the Army in college and always had to be uniform ready, so for the previous 5 years, pretty dresses and painted nails had been for special occasions, not everyday life. When I saw myself in baby pink, giant fluffy ponytail and bright eyes present, I felt like I had unlocked a new character and I needed to know her inside and out. 

a quote from the owner Kayla J. Wilder, MBA: "I'll preach this forever: The power of one good dress is transformative."

When Little Things Get Bigger

After my shopping trip an urge took over. Little by little my days went from 2 mile runs and work to yoga and skincare, astrocartography and journaling, prayer and processing my visa. I was eager to learn new things, like how hydrating your moisture barrier was the key to glowing from the inside out, and the fact that my Venus and Neptune lines converged right over top of Chicago (Venus is the planet of the senses, Neptune is the planet of self expansion. Together they indicate personal growth by way of beauty and aesthetics! Click here to learn about your own locational astrology).

I began forgoing social media in the morning for stretching with my puppy, who liked to snuggle into each position I held longer than 15 seconds. My mornings became slow and gentle, and the more relaxed I felt, the more I started… sensing things. 

Perhaps you’ve experienced this since you started your self care journey. You’re out and about, working or spending time with friends and family, when you look up and notice that people are gravitating towards you.

You could be waiting to cross the street, and instead of using the space, strangers come and stand right next to you – not popping your bubble, but not the generally accepted distance away either. All people, from kids to elderly couples did it. It was strange at first – especially in Chicago where people like their space – but after a few weeks I got comfortable with being so close to everyone. I didn’t know what it was, but I wanted to stand closer to me too. 

a Spanish flag waving over a building

My Consulate Adventure

I knew I had cracked a code when my visa deadline approached. Applying for a visa is like getting a driver’s license, and the consulate workers are basically DMV twins. No smiles, no excuses, have everything on the checklist ready or come back another day. 

This was the first time I had ever applied for a visa and I was following the advice of the girls on YouTube, so I had no idea whether or not I was doing everything correctly. Well, I went to the consulate to pick up part of my packet, and approached the little old lady who had just been scolding the girl before me. When I walked up, her solid expression became a smile. My FBI background check was missing, but instead of being stern, she gave me her personal tip for getting it done quickly. Then she invited me to email her and only her if I had questions.

I couldn’t help but do a little skip as I walked out of the building. I had been so worried – class started the second week of September and it took 4 weeks to get your visa if all of your documents were right. But even after hearing a million horror stories, I met the nicest little lady who was eager to help. And somehow, though I couldn’t explain it, I knew that it was because I was feeling different. So I headed to Spain with high spirits!

My Beautiful European Discovery 

Barcelona is like aloe for the eyes. Gorgeous Spanish architecture lines the streets, the smell of coffee and croissants is in the air day and night, and the people live the art of a slow and simple life. You can’t help but feel the beauty in every little thing. And something about being nestled between the mountains and the Mediterranean makes it cozy no matter where you are. 

I think that ever-present comfort triggered more things inside of me. Because within three months, my focus went from skin care and clothing to energetic connection. I didn’t make the decision on my own – it was more like I was minding my business and found myself suddenly surrounded by synchronicities. And once they came, they never left. 

A Dream Come True

One day in the fall, my friends and I were on our way to the club. We had pre-gamed at our apartment and then at one of our favorite bars. We were pretty close to the venue, so we decided to take a tipsy stroll through one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city – El Raval.

It was dark on the street as we danced our way down. There weren’t many lights, but it was still beautiful with high walls and cobblestone streets. (I’m not kidding, anyone could have jumped us and we would have been out of luck. Do not go in there without a group, large male friends who can fight, and a plan!)

the street of barcelona as the sun sets - the perfect place to start a feminine journey

With our echoes bouncing around and the night time fog low, it was like we were in a dream. My head was spinning; this feeling that something was familiar was growing in me. Then I looked to my left where a beautiful cathedral with a green dome sat, and I realized I was in a dream! I’d seen that place before in my sleep, me walking down that same street with a group. And when I gasped and noted it out loud, one of the girls said that she remembered me sharing that my dreams came true, and started looking around herself.

The last time a dream of mine came true was in 2017 – it had been 4 years! And this was the first time I had shared one of those moments with people outside of my family. My intuition was tapping me on the shoulder, trying to tell me that something was about to happen. What though… I never could have guessed.

Meeting God

I got back into therapy after Christmas break. Too many thoughts about who I was were swimming in my head, and all of that plus 7 hours of classes a day was driving me crazy. So I called up my magical wizard of a therapist (the same one who gave me the Positivity Reset) and told her what was going on.

After 2 sessions she gave me an exercise that she thought would help me. It seemed to her like I was anxious about my purpose – but what she said surprised me. She said that when we get close to finding our purpose in life, we begin to suffer spiritual attacks. What she wanted me to do was get clear on who I wanted to be by emptying my mind and writing down the first words that came to me over 5 minutes.

I did it as soon as we got off the phone. And here’s what happened.

A Casual Introduction

I started by meditating for 3 minutes. Then I opened my journal and began writing.

The first thing that came to mind was What? A question. A gentle thought, me wondering what I was supposed to do with my life. Then, Who? Why?

Quietly, at the edge of my senses… I felt a presence forming. Like my writing was summoning someone; an invisible someone. A someone that had answers. More words came, this time bounced off of an unheard but detectable answer out there in the ethers. Here? Where? All? Everyone? How?

Then something happened.

My mind shifted. I lost control of everything. It was like if my brain was a classroom, and I was usually the person at the center desk doing all the participation, I had suddenly become the person in the back corner who quietly watches, never saying a thing. My perception of my body felt hindered. And someone else was moving my hand!

I would have panicked, except the person taking over my body felt right, good, and safe. My hand started writing a message – urgent, but happy. Want, go, see, there. He is all you can be too.

More words came, in handwriting that was not mine, a message that Love is eternal. He is eternal. YOU ARE ETERNAL!

My body filled with light from an unknown source; it was love and all-knowingness that felt like home. A warm buzz started from the top of my head and spread to the tips of my toes. A million people who knew every single detail about me were in my body, singing and laughing, loving every little part of me and relishing in our introduction. And when I finally found the mental strength to ask Who are you, my hand wrote…



I Guess You Could Say I’ve Never Been the Same

The writing continued for another page, and then, like a vacuum sucking rice up from the floor, all the beings left out of my body from the top of my head, back to where they came from. The buzzing subsided, the warmth went away. And finally, it was just me sitting on my bed, alone.

I called my mother.

A surprise message from God on Amour Abroad during Kayla's divine feminine journey

You know, so many people have stories of miraculous meetings with God. But you never think it’s going to be you until it is you. I was surprised, honored, and maybe a little loopy. He only said one thing to me as they left: Learn about us. You have the tools within your grasp.

Guess what was sitting at the end of my bed throughout this whole thing? The book Ask and It Is Given. You can’t make this stuff up.

Lol What School?

I’m sure you can imagine how quickly my relationship with school changed. But it wasn’t the senioritis-screw-it-all attitude. It was more like I had peace about things. I was starting my final semester and it was time to finish my dissertation, but I didn’t stress about it. I had this knowing that everything I needed would come easily, so in the meantime I enjoyed Barcelona.

I went to the theater, kayaked on the Mediterranean at sunrise, and even saw Barcelona’s Michael Jackson Forever show alone! Freedom followed me in everything that I did, and I still got all of my work done on time.

My other moments were spent reading about the fourth and fifth dimensions and the Laws of the Universe. By graduation God and I were talking again, and once I got back to the States, He was ready to show me a brave new world.


I went from wondering if people might say something about me to only caring that I felt safe and happy ☀️ #loveyourself

♬ original sound – Amour Abroad – Amour Abroad
Hindsight is 20/20

Looking back I’m able to see how a little attention on my body became the Heavenly Father jumping into me. He’s told me since then that the Holy Spirit is feminine – Yin energy.

It makes sense then, that starting your feminine journey leads to meeting the source of femininity itself. And I’m glad that it happened so slowly. This all took place over 11 months; I wasn’t in shock, I didn’t have a mind-shattering paradigm shift or lose my ability to understand reality… He just wanted to talk. So we did.

And that’s the story of how my feminine journey became a spiritual awakening.

Some things don’t change

My relationship with femininity is still what it was, but times 10,000. I’ve learned a lot about the power of rest and creativity, beauty and sensuality. That’s a talk for another day though (I will link the post as soon as I write it!)

I hope this encourages you if you’re wondering if there’s a point to embracing the softness within you. How He introduces Himself changes between people, but one thing is for certain: God is at the end of this journey and the beginning of the next.

Thanks for reading! Tell me about your feminine journey in the comments!

To read about the steps of the spiritual journey, click here!

Buy the Divine Connection Workbook on Etsy for my therapist’s magical exercise and more here!

I love you!

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