When Life Picks Up, It’s Back to Basics

When life starts picking up, it’s helpful to have a set of hobbies and routines that keep you grounded. I experienced a rush during the first half of the summer, but it was my calming morning schedule that helped me make the most of my burst in energy.

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4 min read

The basics are so important, you know. They keep you grounded, balanced, and when the going gets going, is the stuff that keeps your head on your shoulders.  

Things started moving a bit quickly for me at the end of Spring. I’d spent the first half of the year in a slow routine, just doing my best and taking care of responsibilities. I woke up at the same time, exercised, went about my day, and lived quietly.

When I received a call in May about a new opportunity, I jumped in with both feet. It had aligned perfectly with a dream I had over a year ago – like God was jumping up and down with a banner saying “KAYLA THIS IS FOR YOU!” 

They asked me if I wanted the position, I said yes, and next thing I knew I was traveling back and forth from Orange County to the High Desert. Both places were beautiful – Orange County a high-class beachy spot peppered with amusement parks, and the High Desert mostly hot and empty with gorgeous hills and breath taking sunsets.

I felt like I had come back to life. Driving toward mountains I hadn’t seen up close in a year was like entering an alternate timeline. With all of the different scenes around me, it was like I was finally getting back to who I was.

Upon my return, all I could think about was riding the high. My mind was filled with ways to keep my energy up, and lucky for me it wasn’t but two and half weeks later that they needed me to come back (hotel upgraded this time). Things were moving swiftly downstream. I could feel my life changing. 

But then things died down and it was time for me to go home. With the knowing that it would be months before I would leave again, I decided I would just race around LA. Hop in the car and head to Malibu, Uber to my surfing lessons at Venice Beach. 

Anything I could do to keep from settling back in to my old routine. 

I ran out of steam though. 

Halfway through July my body was screaming “I need rest,” and everything around me seemed to be resting too. Officemates were coming in less often, and when they did come it was only for a few hours with pets in tow. So I took my cue and spent the past week chilling at home, following a mini routine to keep up with my work. 

Gosh, do I feel better. 

Rest is so necessary. God rested on the seventh day for a reason, I get it now. My mind was racing a thousand miles per minute, full of ideas and plans. I don’t know how I was going to do it all – I think I would have exhausted myself. But the moment I took a nap, I could clearly see what was ready for action and what needed development. And as I settled into my slower schedule (complete with Modern Family marathons), I realized how I could be methodical to carry out my creative ideas.

It’s so much better than the manic-trip outs I used to create on.

I want to encourage you to take your breaks. If you’re like me and tend to only keep the Sabbath holy, take a day or five to just do what pleases you. 

Here’s a snap shot of my schedule:

After my morning dancing, I feel so at ease. I tried running the first day, but I forgot how angry it made me! Literally with each step my thoughts go I hate this I hate this. So now I’m all about gentle body movement, stretching, yoga, and K-pop. 

These are the basics I used to lean on back when I was depressed and anxious. Anytime I felt low or scared, I’d get up and do these things in whatever way I could. Sometimes it meant just moving my arms around in bed or drawing a little tree in my Notes app, but now I can happily say I’ve learned multiple choruses of choreography in under 30 minutes!

And creating my routine around them has allowed me to bypass the anxiety-growing-slowly-but-surely phase. I have to say I feel very mature.  

I know what needs to be done, and I’m going out and doing it. 

I hope you’re taking the time you need to rest your body and your mind! Don’t worry too much about what to do – I know there’s a lot of advice about how one hobby should soothe your mind, one should help you grow, and so on. 

But I think growth lies in trusting your inner childlike wonder and passions, and everything else comes from that. So do what you love! Paint all day, or write or sing or create websites. 

Whatever suits your fancy. 

So long as you’re being gentle with yourself, and remembering to enjoy this one life of ours. 

And when the time comes for life to speed up again, you’ll have a repertoire of grounding activities that will keep you in touch with the deepest parts of your spirit.

I love you. 🤍

One response to “When Life Picks Up, It’s Back to Basics”

  1. X22Cal Avatar

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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