Your First Manifestation on Your Spiritual Journey

Share this post all about coming into the power of being a master manifestor! I talk about my first life changing manifestation, how it came to pass, and what to do to keep the momentum going!

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13 min read

For those of you who are knee deep in your unfolding manifestation, I read on for perspective and instructions! After a few years I learned that you’re in the unfolding when it seems like your path has disappeared, and that period can be pretty daunting. Use this post as a guide on how to navigate your first manifestation, and how to allow upgrades to the next one!

My First Manifestation

If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you know that my dreams have been coming true since I was 12. (If you’re new, surprise! I’m magic). Well, I’d had a dream about a particular artist that I loved growing up, and as I got older it occurred to me that it might come to pass. So shortly after I finished business school I tried my hand at seriously visualizing it. 

I was staying in Atlanta, Georgia a month after completing graduating in 2022. The artist in question was someone I started listening to when I was ten years old. Later in middle school, I was experiencing a lot of bullying and didn’t have many friends – listening to their music was how I got through it. 

I would download their music on Pandora or Slacker radio (this was back in 2010, mind you, so I was using my home WiFi and iPod Touch), and listen every time I started feeling lonely. I felt lonely almost always, and especially before I went to sleep at night, so I was basically starting and ending my day with their voice. For a significant portion of 7th grade, I couldn’t even sleep without listening through their album. 

I realized that Atlanta was a place this artist frequented, so I began to imagine that I’d run into them. Back then I was working on the blog and applying to be a waitress. I had imagined getting a job at one of the really high end places downtown. They’d get sat in my section, I’d get the chance to talk to them, and then who knew? Maybe we’d be friends, maybe we would talk about my blog or my dreams or something. I didn’t know what to imagine. 

Well, here’s what I’ve learned about not knowing what comes next. If you don’t visualize it, not knowing is literally what happens. 

Time went on. I took dance classes in Buckhead, applied to restaurants downtown, and wrote my blog posts. Eventually things went south with my family and I left home. First I left my mom’s house in Atlanta, and then in the spring of 2023, left my dad’s house in Texas. 

I remember sitting in my car, crying and praying as the rain poured down. Where do I go, God? What do I do? 

He told me to rest in Dallas for a few days, and then drive to Los Angeles. 

He was sending me on my own hero’s journey. 

I had been planning to move out there anyway. Instead of working in Atlanta, I got a job at a Korean Barbecue restaurant in Texas. My plan was to save up a few months of rent and then head out west. It was all very La La Land themed, you know. 

But life doesn’t always go as planned. 

I left only with what I owned, having to borrow a few hundred from my sisters. 

I drove and cried and drove some more. It took four days but I finally ended up at the Santa Monica pier. That was another thing – I lived off of Percy Jackson as a kid. If you’ve read The Lightning Thief, you know the entire last act happens there. 

It was even more beautiful than I imagined. There’s something majestic about the way these giant mountains rise out of the sea. It stopped my breath. 

I didn’t have much money left, but I felt invincible. Every time I thought I would be stranded in the Southwest United States, God popped more money in my account – a paycheck that had been held up, money from my sisters or winnings from my day trading that had been slow to transfer. 

So I sat there in the car, watching the ocean, praying. What would You have me do, Lord? Where should I go? He said, Drive up the mountains and go hiking. 

I love hiking. 

I Googled a good spot just 35 minutes away, itching to see the ocean from the peaks. I drove up the PCH, turned right, and found myself on a long winding road, bending this way and that way through a massive valley, until I came to a stop in a nice area. It looked like my home in Texas. Immediately I felt comfortable and drove around a bit, then headed to my hiking spot. 

After my hike (which was both beautiful and disappointing because I couldn’t see the ocean) I climbed back in my car and prayed again. What would You have me do? This time He spoke an address. 

The address was a car dealership not two minutes away. It was late, almost 9pm, and Google maps said they were closed. But then I heard the Lord say clearly: Go inside

I was real nervous. What do you mean, go inside Lord? They’re closed

I didn’t hear a response. He tends to be silent when He wants us to stand on business. So I took a deep breath and did a little trick I use to help myself do hard things. It’s called the What if I Just game. What if I just… turn the car off? I turned the car off. 

What if I just… unbuckle my seatbelt? I unbuckled the seatbelt. 

What if I just… walk up to the door? What if I just… pull the handle? 

The door floated open like the hinges were made of butter. 

HEAVENLY FATHER SAY YOU SWEAR RIGHT NOW! What am I supposed to do in here?? 

Rest. Look at the cars. 

So I did. They were nice cars. 

The janitor and his son were cleaning while I walked around. I still remember how they came up to me so timidly, like I was a celebrity. “Excuse me ma’am, are you waiting on someone? We’ll be closing up here shortly.”

I answered yes, hung out until they finished an hour later, then got back in my car. “Okay God, I did it. I went inside. They’re closed. Now what?” 

Go to the Starbucks and park in front. 

There was a Starbucks just down the road – I had passed by it on my way to the hiking spot. There was this excitement in me then, like the culmination was coming, but I had no idea what would happen. So I drove down the road, found a spot and parked. Then I waited. 

Around 5 minutes in, I took notice of a blacked-out Cadillac parked catty cornered to me. Every time I looked at it, both my heart and third eye started… doing something. Something I’d never felt before. I stared and stared, wondering…

Then it hit me.

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Kayla don’t freak out. OH MY GOOOOOD!! Breathe. Breathe. They’re probably enjoying a nice dinner. No need to disturb them. 

But I was freaking out. And somehow, I got the sense that they were in that car looking right back at me

I didn’t know what to do. There were no further instructions from the Lord. So I figured I would just vibe. 

Welcome to California, Kayla!

I ended up staying in that town for about three months. This wasn’t the only artist I ran into, but they were the only one I kept seeing. Sometimes they’d park next to me and I would hear them and their friends talking, their windows rolled down like they were just out enjoying the weather. 

Their voice was exactly the same as the music. 

Sometimes I wouldn’t be paying attention while crossing the street, and their driver would have to step on the breaks. I would have been embarrassed… but I felt like we were neighbors at that point. 

We never spoke – I had no idea what to say. I don’t think my tongue would have worked. And the Lord ended up telling me that He wanted me to focus on my blog and become closer to Him; talking to this artist would have distracted me. I agreed wholeheartedly. 

I ended up moving down to South Central at the end of the summer, sad that an entire season passed without the chance to talk to them. I was sure I would never see them again – not unless I got backstage passes at a concert or ended up on the red carpet (which I plan on, by the way). 

But here’s where God surprised me. Just a few weeks after I moved, I went to the park down the road. There was a reunion happening, and though I didn’t know beforehand, it just so happened that I was wearing the right colors! So I was walking about, observing the festivities and dancing on my own. 

I had taken a lap around the park, ate something in my car and came back, when I noticed a particular person had arrived with their well-known friend. 

I was shaking. 

The vibes of the reunion had shifted – it was less lighthearted than before, so I knew it was time to go. And I could just feel in my spirit that they had spotted me, and I was so freaking scared. I had no idea what kind of impression I had left on them, and I was afraid to find out. 

I sped walked to the parking lot, but guess who was there, parked right across from me! AND their driver was leaning against the hood of their truck. He saw me, smiled and nodded. Hey sis, nice to see you. How’s it going?

Oh my God. Not their staff knowing me. Not them greeting me cordially. What have I done? What do they want? Are they gonna talk to me??

I think I smiled back – I didn’t want to be rude. But my heart was about to fall out of my chest and I didn’t know who was inside that car. The fact that they had parked next to me again meant that the only polite thing I could do was speak!

Lucky me, my God is merciful (that’s what my middle name means); I didn’t see anyone else before I got in my car. I never backed out of a spot so slowly, terrified that I might scrape their paint. I drove off on the edge of a panic attack, eyes darting this way and that. I made it home and collapsed in the bed, quaking like a little duckling. 

All in all, the way I see it this person and I are now close acquaintances. I promised myself that the next time we run into each other I would behave normally, and hopefully not feel like I’m going to explode.

Since I visualized us having a conversation and that feeling hasn’t yet occurred, I’m focusing on allowing what’s happening next. I suppose that makes this part a bit of a diary entry. I am an expert in gray space – the feeling of limbo following a major manifestation. 

So here’s how I deal with the aftermath. 

Grounding your Manifestation 

Everyone has different spiritual gifts. Some have prophetic dreams, some can see the future through astral travel, some are clairaudient. Whatever your gift is, the first manifestation shows you its sheer power. Your power.  

And since it always comes as a happy accident, the ease can through you off your rocker. It’s like after you smoke weed for the first time and fall asleep – there’s that strange hangover sensation that lingers over everything the next morning. It takes time to go away, and that time is where you ground.

Go for walks, meditate, eat your favorite meals and more. It’s also good to engage in little creative activities like dancing or drawing. Anything that puts you in touch with your body and emotions. 

Coming to terms with your abilities is a powerful state to be in. From the moment you recognize what’s happening, you are vibrationally set apart from the rest of society. People naturally gravitate to you, watch you, approach you, and more. I think it’s a bit like what celebrities experience, minus being asked for pictures. 

The fog that covers your senses is meant to protect you. It gives you time to come ‘back to reality,’ where you can take in what you’ve achieved, realign your self concept, and allow your 3D to match. Additionally, the fog keeps you protected from energies that seek power. You end up so focused on your new life that old problems die like leaves falling from a tree. When you can’t perceive deception or ill intention, it cannot grow in your experience. 

What Do I Do Now?

You’ve accomplished nothing short of a miracle. Now what?

Enjoy it. And be in the moment. 

Me? I started walking and talking a little different. 

For the first 6 months I was too far away from Downtown LA to see if I could use my new energetic status. That was a good thing in the end, because it turned out I had a ton of PTSD. Instead I took baby steps – I auditioned for a commercial (and got the callback!), went on field trips to the city, and explored places like Santa Monica. 

After I moved downtown I started to see a change. I was used to stares, but being served in restaurants by the owners was new. At work, if I walked down a crowded hallway people would part for me like the Red Sea, and the jealousy I began to feel specifically off of older men became atrocious. 

It was amazing. I’d think, Is this how it happens? Is this the shift they always talk about? And it is. 

Adjusting to Your New Reality 

The fog goes away as your masculine consciousness – the part of you that is logical, methodical, and can explain how things happen – comes up to speed with your feminine, the spiritual allowing part of you. 

Mine needed to see that trusting the Universe would lead me to the right place at the right time over and over again.

To be clear, as you become a master in your spirituality, the three-dimensional rules don’t disappear. It’s more like they shift, and to keep you sane, the Universe brings you into understanding slowly. 

If you’ve observed your life closely, you may have noticed how choosing to go for a walk, or resting when you’re stressed has consistently brought you solutions to problems that used to frustrate you. For example, a coworker attempts to pass their responsibility to you – instead of fighting it or speaking to leadership, you meditate. Voila, before the end of the week the manager has publicly reassigned them the task and given them part of yours. 

Along with this principle, you also now receive manifestations. The key is to become balanced so that you can maintain this level of existence. 

I imagine it’s the same stuff Jesus learned when he started doing miracles – mostly because I’ve been following his example. Going out into nature at random time without telling anyone, that is. 

This is the key to remember. The thing did not just happen – it came from you. Through you. The magic that you have encountered is a regular part of your life. You’re a superhero now!

Consider this first draft period as your training montage. There are skills you’re required to master – as you get better at them, your manifestation will evolve:

1. Grounding

Develop a routine that keeps you present in the now. The more you’re in the now, the healthier you will be, and the more manifestations come to pass. 

2. Discretion

Everybody does not need to know what you can do. Not until it’s time. 

Had I started writing these things before I left home, I would be in a very sticky situation. Not everyone has the best intentions at heart, and some are simply weak in the presence of temptation. Practice discernment and discretion. There may be only a few who you can truly talk to about what you’ve done. That’s okay. Your time to share it will come. 

3. Creative routine

The gifts of manifestation also come with a creative outlet. Jesus was a preacher and a carpenter. Tesla made machines.

In order to bring the sides of your brain into coherence, you’ve got to create a routine in your craft. It will be the conduit for all of that excess energy, allowing you to work through your emotions healthily and allowing a quicker manifesting turnaround.

4. An open heart

There it sits, your shining manifestation. Love, money, friends, influence. Whatever it is, it will be tender. Manifestations are precious to the Lord – He nurses them like babies. 

Tiny steps first. 

For example, say you’ve manifested a life in a new country. However, the consulate has informed you that it will take one year for your visa to process. In the meantime you may visit as often as you desire for no longer than 90 days at a time. 

These in between moments are how the Universe gets you familiar with your new life. On top of your 90 day restriction, you may only have the money to visit two or three times before your move. That’s okay. Focus on familiarizing yourself with the systems you plan to use, the people you will spend time with, and the places you will frequent. 

While at home, try taking on some of your new country’s customs. 

Like learning a new skill, you come into contact with the world of your manifestation a little bit at a time. This helps to adjust your nervous system, gives you time to let go of your past, and get you excited! Trust the slowness with an open heart, and explore what is given to you when you have the chance.

Making Edits

As with all creation, the first draft requires refinement. It is the same with manifestations. 

You are encouraged to be honest in these stages. Don’t worry, the Universe will not see you as ungrateful for feeling upset that the home you live in is not to your standards, or that you feel like the relationships you have are strained or uncomfortable. 

You are co-creating with God, and He experiences life through you! Explore your manifestation to its fullest and see what you prefer. It’s like Minecraft or one of those games where you can explore infinite worlds. 

The key to edits is that you feel the depth of the resulting emotions, and then release it. 

This is where I used to get stuck. I developed a habit of keeping everything to myself in the past. I never expressed my true feelings out of fear of being punished or taken from.

You know this saying. In order for God to bring in the new, you have to let the old go. When He brought the Israelites out of Egypt, they certainly were grateful for the desert. But we can be honest here – deserts suck, past of slavery or not. They had to become convicted in their trust, and ready to move on from the miracles done through Abraham for them to take their Promised Land. 

In your edits, exploring your manifestation and then expressing, through art, prayer, or other means, is what takes you to the next level. So don’t be scared! Write your songs and sing them, type your blog posts and promote them! Enjoy all the feelings this part of your adventure has gifted you. Be true to yourself. 


To conclude coming into your first real manifestation is an incredible experience that most people will achieve at least once in their lifetime. There are few better feelings than knowing you visualized a new life and saw it come to pass. 

Enjoy it with gratitude and explore to your heart’s content. And remember, there is always more! Don’t be afraid to loosen the reigns and feel the full range of your emotions. It’s His greatest gift to us. 

Stay tuned for the next post in the Spiritual Journey series: Intro to Divination! Do you feel like somebody is watching you? Check in later this month to learn how to find out! 👀 

I love you! 🤍

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